The Story of prime1 by MaxDoctor

The first in the Prime House Series, Prime1 is a natural exchange between Deep House and classic House music.
The atmosphere created, resembles an imaginary NYC sidewalk, where everyone walking on it is immersed in its musicality. Sometimes melodious, sometimes hard, but always in line with MaxDoctor’s style. The tribal nuances are replicating the refined notes of the past.
In addition, paying particular attention to the Garage music of the 90s, and midway in, we are reminded of the sounds by African tribes. Prime1 aims to celebrate the origins of human kind; from tribal beginnings to the city landscapes of many a metropolis today.
The musical ‘Spiel’ continues with repeated beats of Deep music, reminiscing the 70s and 80s thereby rounding up the immense musical landscape Max tried to combine in this particular track.
Hear it here